2001 Proceedings
complete proceedings- bookmarked
Grid: Building a Robust Ad Hoc Network
--Daniel Aguayo, Douglas S. J. DeCouto, Wen Chiang Lin, Hu Imm Lee, Jinyang Li
Twine: A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Intentional Resource Discovery
--Magdalena Balazinska, Hari Balakrishnan
A Type System for Preventing Data Races
--Chandrasekhar Boyapati
A Help System for the Intelligenet Room
--Andy Chang
Design and Implementation of STFS: SFS/Thor File System
--Sidney Chang, Yan Zhang
Distributed File Sharing with CFS
--Frank Dabek
Multiple Trajectory Estimation Using Stereo and Color Information
--David Demirdjian, Neal Checka
Ligature: Gesture-Based Configuration of the E21 Intelligent Environment
--Mark A. Foltz
Suds: Software Based Memory Speculation for Raw Microprocessors
--Matt Frank
Rascal- A Resource Manager for E21
--Krzysztof Gajos, Luke Weisman
Span: Topology Maintenance for Energy Efficiency in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
--Kyle Jamieson, Benjie Chen
Natural Sketch Recognition in UML Class Diagrams
--Tracy Hammond
Enhancing Internet Congestion Control Using Explicit and Precise Feedback
--Dina Katabi, Mark Handley
Using TestEra to Check the Intentional Naming System of Oxygen
--Sarfraz Khurshid, Darko Marinov
A Reactive Behavioral System for Intelligent Spaces
--Ajay Kulkarni
Utility Function for Autonomous Agent Control
--Michael McGeachie
A Probabalistic Rating Framework for Pervasive Computing Environments
--Lik Mui, Mojdeh Mohtashemi, Cheewee Ang
A Low-Bandwidth Network File system
--Athicha Muthitacharoen, Benjie Chen, David Mazieres
Meeting Manager: A Collaborative Tool in the Intelligent Room
--Alice Oh, Rattapoom Tuchinda, Lin Wu
The Lazy Adversary Conjecture Fails
--Enoch Peserico
Infrastructure for Multi-User, Multi Spatial Collaborative Environments
--Stephen Peters
Free-Hand Stroke Approximation for Intelligent Sketching Sytems
--Tevfik Metin Sezgin
The Migrate Approach to Internet Mobility
--Alex C Snoeren, Hari Balakrishnan, Frans Kaashoek
Interconnecting Bluetooth-like Personal Area Networks
--Godfrey Tan
The Raw Processor: A Composeable 32-bit Fabric for Embedded and General Purpose Computing
--Michael Taylor
The Representation of Streams in the StreaMIT Compiler
--Bill Theis, Michal Karczmarek
Audio- Video Array Sensing for Intelligent Environments
--kevin Wilson
A Framework for Semantic Service Discovery
--Xiaowei Yang
MIT Oxygen Alliance
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
The Stata Center, Builing 32, Cambridge, MA 02139
Revised Monday, 19-Jul-2004 17:09:18 EDT